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Bring into play the gathering effect of metal furniture, lose no time to metal home

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Give full play to the agglomeration effect of metal furniture and lose no time to make the metal furniture industry bigger and stronger and better. We will foster an environment for starting businesses, build industrial bases, guide industries to step up specialized production, large-scale operation and intensive development, do a good job in planning industrial bases, and improve infrastructure construction. Make it become the banner of national metal furniture professional cluster development and become the new economic growth point of the industry!

Give full play to the agglomeration effect of metal furniture and lose no time to make the metal furniture industry bigger and stronger and better. We will foster an environment for starting businesses, build industrial bases, guide industries to step up specialized production, large-scale operation and intensive development, do a good job in planning industrial bases, and improve infrastructure construction. Make it become the banner of national metal furniture professional cluster development and become the new economic growth point of the industry!